







医療法人社団五良会 理事長
竹内内科小児科医院 院長

【Dear Patients and Staff】
Today, we are celebrating the 6th anniversary of Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic. Looking back, September 1, 2019, was a Sunday, so we effectively began operations on September 2. With this in mind, today marks the completion of five full years, bringing us to this significant milestone.

As we reach this point, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our patients and the staff who support us every day.

Reflecting on these past five years, there have certainly been challenging and frustrating moments. However, each time, I’ve felt a renewed sense of purpose and have always tried to return to the basics, which has helped me stay strong and keep moving forward. Sometimes, it feels like I’ve been working here for quite a long time, only to realize that it has only been five years.

On a personal note, I’ll be turning 46 this month—definitely feeling the middle-aged part! As the years go by, they seem to pass by quicker and quicker. But I’m truly grateful to be able to celebrate this milestone.

As we move forward, Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic remains committed to enhancing the quality of our care. We will continue working hard to ensure that our clinic remains a place where every patient can feel safe and confident in their care.

Lastly, I want to once again express my heartfelt thanks to our patients and our staff. Thank you for your trust and dedication. We look forward to continuing this journey together.


Yoshimasa Goto, MD
Director, Takeuchi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Clinic
Chairman, Medical Corporation Goryokai


Author: 五藤 良将